A lot of people understand the need to drink water every day but many haven't a clue how much they should consume.
Studies have different requirements so it's difficult to recommend an exact amount of water that should take place in one day. Many factors dictate the levels of water consumed including an individual's health, their activities, and where they reside.
It's the old adage, one size does not fit all. If you have health issues, you should speak with your doctor to get his or her recommendation. You should know your individual water needs before making a decision.

The Benefits Of Drinking Water

Keep in mind, your body is made up of more than two-thirds of water so it's obvious your body requires a decent level of water each and every day. A decent level is needed for hydration, your heart and circulation, your body temperature control, and in order for your brain to function properly. There is no doubt, water is the most essential component of your body. Here are some benefits of drinking water.

Drinking Water Will Increase Your Mental Performance

Research has shown that losing as little as 1% of your water intake can reduce your mental performance and lead to fatigue and headaches. Just a small level of dehydration can take place over the course of a normal day which is the reason drinking water is so important.

Water Improves Your Mood

If you are dehydrated, it can affect your mood and mental well-being. Your energy level, cognition, and emotions can all be affected with too little water.

Increase Your Physical Performance

Studies have shown that if you exercise on a lower scale, a 2% loss in your intake of water can impact how well you perform physically. Dehydration can interfere with the body's ability to control its temperature, increase your level of exhaustion, and make exercising much more difficult to get through. Endurance and climate will also play a role in how well you exercise.

How Much Water Do You Really Need?

You lose water every single day through perspiration, breathing, the flow of urine, and bowel movements. In order for your body to function properly, you must replenish your body's water supply by consuming beverages and foods that contain water.
How much fluid does the average, healthy adult need living in a higher temperature climate? According to the U.S. National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine an adequate level of fluid should be:
Approximately 15.5 cups or 3.7 liters of fluids each day for men
Approximately 11.5 cups or 2.7 liters of fluids each day for women
These levels of daily fluids come from water, other beverages, and food. Approximately 20% of daily fluid comes from food and the rest from fluids including water.

Can You Drink Too Much Water?

In most cases, people who are healthy are able to control their water intake will not overdo the amount of liquids. Water will not harm healthy people drinking large quantities of water as long as it's balanced by water loss. Some people drink too much water too quickly and their bodies cannot release the excess amount. This is pretty common with endurance athletes including triathletes and marathoners which can lead to serious electrolyte imbalances. Even though this is rare, you can prevent this from happening if you drink sports drinks if you exercise for more than an hour, and prevent excessive hydration. Infants under 6-months of age are at risk if given water to drink. They should have breast milk or formulas, unless recommended by their doctor.
Drinking water is imperative to your health but staying well-hydrated is not difficult to achieve. The heat of summer is approaching so remember to bring plenty of water in a bottle when you are on the go.
The Institute of Medicine has set an Adequate Intake of water based on the median intake of water estimated from the U.S. Dietary Surveys at 13 cups per day for men and 9 cups for women.

Suggestions To Prevent Dehydration

There are many beverages containing water that will help you keep your daily needs of water. It's a complete myth that caffeinated beverages or drinks containing alcohol are dehydrating because they induce urination. They do but during the course of a day, the water from these beverages will offer a positive contribution to total fluid consumption.
Without a doubt, water is still the best choice. Sugary drinks can add weight to your body as well as inflammation which can lead to diseases including diabetes. Too much caffeine can cause jitters and keep you from being able to sleep at night. Alcohol should be limited to one drink each day for women and 1 or 2 drinks for men.
To prevent dehydration, drink fluids gradually throughout the course of the day. Have a drink during each meal or socially, and when taking medications.
Get fluids through water-rich foods including salads, fruit, and applesauce.

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