Drinking the right amount of water every day is essential for your wellness as water makes up 60 percent of your body. There is one fact that never alters, every living thing on this earth depends on water in order to survive. If you wonder why water is so critical to life, it’s because approximately 60% of your body is made up of water. Without this critical element, you could not survive.

Water Fact

Water is colorless and composed of hydrogen and oxygen. Even though it does not contain calories, it’s a crucial part of life. Consuming the right amount of water each day is nutritional and healthy. Keep in mind that your body could go for weeks without food but would not make it beyond a few days without water.

The Benefits of Consuming Water

As an indispensable part of daily life, drinking enough amount of water can bring you many benefits, which are listed as follows.

Can Help You Lose Weight

In some ways, water is magical but not in the sense you might think. Water can help you stave off hunger and improve your bodily functions in order to help you maintain a healthier weight. It’s a great way to control your weight without looking for some secret formula.

It’s Good for Your Gut

Water is an essential element for a healthy gut because it removes waste products from your body. If you have ever become mildly dehydrated, you probably have experienced constipation. Constipation will make you feel bloated but if you drink water, the bloating will dissipate.

Lubricating Your Joints

If there have been times you have experienced aching joints, one reason could be the lack of water. Studies have shown that water is a lubricant that cushions your joints. Staying hydrated can help your joints operate without pain and therefore keep you fit and healthy.

A Great Solution for Healthy, Glowing Skin

If you don’t know, skin is an organ and is the largest organ in your body. Your skin contains almost 72% of water. Professional beauty therapists realize that good hydration is critical to help your skin’s elasticity, overall softness, and appearance. When you take in enough water each day, your skin will have a youthful glow and look wonderful!

Determine How Much Water You Need

People are not all the same and neither are their bodies. You should read through the following factors then decide how much water you should consume each day to remain healthy:

Your Activity Level

If you are someone who works out on a regular basis or someone who is on the move all day long, consuming more water is important to keep your bodily functions operating properly.

Alcohol Consumption

Keep in mind, alcohol will dehydrate your body. Before you opt for that second drink of wine or a cocktail, drink a glass of water instead. It’s not to say you should never have your favorite cocktail but follow it up with a glass of water. Hangovers are caused by your brain cells not getting enough needed water. Again, alcohol is very dehydrating causing your body to lose needed nutrients.

Your Metabolism

If you are someone who has a fast metabolism, your body probably needs more water to keep its engines running in full force. Chances are, you should probably take in more water each day than someone with a slow metabolism.

Your Body Weight

It has been stressed many times that men and women require different levels of water each day. The same can be said about your body weight. The more you weigh, the more water you will need to take in. Be sure to drink enough water according to your weight.

The Weather

Yes, the weather is a factor as well. You will need more water during the summer months than during the wintertime. If you reside in a dry climate or live in a home that tends to be very dry, you should take in more water over the daily requirements. Dry climates, such as Arizona, will require more water to balance out the dry conditions.

In Conclusion

You should understand all your factors such as your weight, the activities you participate in, the surrounding climate, and your eating and drinking habits. You must take note of your recommended daily intake of water to help you maintain great health or even improve your health over time. If you have any health issues, you might want to consult with your doctor or a professional nutritionist to determine any changes in your water intake. It’s just a good idea to keep your water levels where they are supposed to be so you will have a fuller, healthier life.

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