According to the American Pet Products Association, most Americans (67%) own at least one pet, while about 85 million American families have at least a pet in their homes. Therefore, we cannot talk about the family unit without mentioning the pets, and that is why we must care for them just like we do for ourselves.
However, most pet owners and homeowners tend to focus only on the food, leaving out another equally important aspect of pets’ welfare – water. The benefits of filtered water are not limited to humans only; your pets deserve the same.
Read on to learn why you should never deprive your pets of filtered water and its benefits.

Your pets stay hydrated with filtered water.

Like humans, pets have a considerable amount of water in their bodies. Therefore, they need water to stay cool and hydrated. Great-tasting and fresh filtered water can encourage your pets to drink more water and avoid dehydration.
Staying hydrated protects your pets from multiple urinary infections, especially for dogs. In addition, your dog can easily shake off an illness by drinking more water. Therefore, the more filtered water your pets can get, the healthier they are and the better for everyone.

Filtered water protects your pet from toxins.

Drinking sufficient filtered water will keep your furry friends away from toxins. However, you cannot trust the safety and purity of tap water, no matter how many purifications it has undergone before it gets to your home. Contaminants can always find their way into the water during transportation.
For instance, copper, a major cause of kidney and liver ailments in humans and animals, is present in rusty pipes of old homes. But with a water filter, you can rest assured that the water coming out of your tap or sink is free of contaminants.

Your pets will be healthier and happier.

If the health of your pets is important to you, you should only feed them filtered water. Filtered water expels toxins in your pets’ systems, including all the harmful things they have consumed unknowingly.
With filtered water, your dog’s delicate system or weaker immune system, especially in older dogs and small breeds, will not be threatened. Pets drinking clean water enjoy high cell regrowth and functionality rates, thereby recovering from illnesses faster and living an overall healthier life.
happy dog

Your pets are better off with cold filtered water.

Contrary to popular opinion, your dog is not at any health risks by drinking cold water, provided it is clean and pure. Cold filtered water will not lead to harmful bloating in your furry friends. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon to see dogs drink water too quickly and aspirate or choke from it. Yes, it is a disturbing scenario, but it is unconnected because the water is cold.
Serving your dogs with cold water can help them drink properly without choking. All you have to do is collect some filtered water from the refrigerator and serve it to them.

Filtered water contains less chlorine.

The list of filtered water benefits is endless. One of these benefits is the reduction of the amount of chlorine present in the original tap water. If chlorine finds its way into your pet’s system through unfiltered tap water, it can damage the cells, leading to severe coughing and breathing difficulties.
It is important to note that the adverse effects of chlorine are more pronounced in pets. That is because their digestive systems are not sophisticated enough to process such chemicals. Fortunately, you can avoid putting your pets through these discomforting situations by getting a water filter to remove chlorine in their drinking water.

Help your dog’s tear staining with filtered water.

Another advantage of filtered water for your pets is the tear stains. Tear staining is a situation where your dog develops some dark marks under its eyes. It is common and more visible in dogs with light-colored fur. Poor diets are the leading cause of tear stains, alongside contaminated drinking water.
If your dogs drink water containing toxins, the tear stains will form and grow bigger with more toxins consumed. Avoiding unfiltered water will protect your dogs from the harm of tear stains. Replacing unfiltered water with clean, safe, and great-tasting filtered water will ensure your dog’s tear stains are minimally small or absent.
It is also an indicator of a healthy, well-fed, and happy pet.

Your Pets Deserve Filtered Water

So far, we have highlighted several benefits of filtered water for your pet. You will agree that these benefits justify the cost of these filters. With an efficient water filter, you can keep your pets and family healthy and safe.
The well-being of your family is non-negotiable. So, go ahead and shop for an excellent water filter that constantly provides your household with filtered water for both human and pet consumption.
We don’t want an important member of your family – your pet – to miss out on a healthy lifestyle. And that is why we recommend a water filter or even a water bottle for your furry friend.

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