As it should be, being pregnant may drive you to drink more water. Fortunately, drinking enough water as a pregnant woman is essential and you have to be double sure that you’re taking enough.
This article discusses all you need to know about drinking water when pregnant. The benefits such as preventing hemorrhoids and other symptoms of pregnancy, the quantity of water you need now more than before, and ensuring how safe your water is, which is more important than ever

What Is The Ideal Quantity Of Water A Pregnant Woman Should Drink Daily?

Because pregnant women need to keep their systems running for two, taking more water is necessary. Although the quantity of water a pregnant woman should consume varies on body type, size, and activity level, generally, according to all sources, it is best to take between eight and ten 8-ounce glasses of water daily. It is advisable to talk to your practitioner to know the optimal quantity of water for you and your situation.
Furthermore, gulping a lot of water at once can make you feel uncomfortably full; therefore, it is best to space out your water intake throughout the day. Because most people do not take enough fluids, you can fill a bottle or two with water every morning and keep it handy throughout the day, helping you stay hydrated.
Ensure you take a sip of water before, during, and after your exercise and if you are outside on a hot day. Feeling thirsty is a sign that your body is about to be dehydrated.

Why Is Hydration During Pregnancy Important?

You may have wondered how the essential nutrients in your prenatal vitamins and healthy foods get to your fetus. Water helps your body with essential nutrients absorption into the cells while transporting vitamins, minerals, and hormones to your blood cells. With the help of water, these nutrient-rich blood cells reach the placenta and your baby.

Is It Bad To Drink A Lot Of Water During Pregnancy?

Although drinking too much water during pregnancy is possible, doing so is not easy. Because of morning sickness, tiny bladders, and acid reflux, drinking too much water throughout the day is quite difficult. Drinking a large amount of water like one to two gallons within a short period puts your body at risk of water intoxication. Water intoxication occurs when your body’s water intake is faster than it can filter out.

How To Increase Water Intake During Pregnancy?

If you’re looking to increase your water intake, it is best to take frequent, small sips throughout the day. You can get an uncomfortable bladder if you consume several glasses of water within a short period. Keeping a large water bottle with you and reaching it often can help with increasing your water intake.
Sipping flavored or infused water can meet your hydration needs with tastier water if you can’t drink enough water because of nausea or acid reflux. Keeping a chilled infuser pitcher in your refrigerator full of your favorite fresh fruit can make life easier.
You can keep yourself hydrated with the following options;
Sparkling water:instead of consuming carbonated or caffeinated drinks, you can get the fizz you crave from sparkling water
Lemon water:you can spice up your cup of water with just a squeeze of lemon or lime
Alkaline water:pregnant women can take alkaline water because it is safe and helps tame acid reflux.
You can talk with your doctor to develop a healthy pregnancy meal plan for supporting you and your baby if you can’t drink enough water.

What Are The Health Benefits Of Water?

One of the most straightforward steps for a healthy pregnancy is sipping water. Staying hydrated offers several health benefits, including;

1.Supporting Your Body

About three-quarters of the human body is made up of water, and it helps in essential bodily functions, including supporting digestion, regulating body temperature, and creating hormones.
Supporting Your Pregnancy
The body needs more water during pregnancy for various reasons, including increasing metabolism and increasing blood volume significantly. A high blood volume supplies your baby with essential nutrients, including oxygen needed for growth.

2.Reducing Swelling

Drinking more water can help with swollen ankles and feet. Fluid retention results from your body hanging on to more fluid if you’re getting hydrated. Therefore, drinking more water can reduce fluid retention. In cases where swelling in the hands, legs, or face is sudden or excessive, contact your caregiver immediately because it can be a sign of preeclampsia.

3.Keeping You Regular

Drinking enough water can keep your bowels moving and soften your stools, this preventing common pregnancy problems like constipation and hemorrhoids.

4.Lowering Risk of UTIs

Drinking enough water dilutes your urine, flushing out bacteria as you pee more often and reducing your risk of urinary and bladder infections.


Drinking enough water in pregnancy can prevent common pregnancy problems like swollen hands and feet, constipation, and UTIs. It is best to drink between eight and ten 8-ounce glasses of water daily. Furthermore, keeping a bottle of water close by can help you increase your water intake.

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